FlowQ Talent Analytics
The Science Behind
FlowQ Assessments
Recent neuropsychological research categorizes human predispositions into cold and hot intelligence, based on the CHC (Cattell, Horn, Carron Theory) framework. This model identifies three main factors-Knowing-Cognition, Willing, and Feeling—after excluding physical activity due to its kinesthetic nature. An analysis of FlowQ's norm group of 56,065 individuals confirmed this structure.
Cognitive processes like multitasking and reasoning fall under the 'Knowing' domain. Motivation and emotion management are part of the 'Willing' factor. Personality traits linked to stability and adaptability are associated with the serotonin and dopamine systems, whereas estrogen and testosterone influence traits related to hot intelligence. These findings align with neurology-based personality research and current intelligence theories.

FlowQ General Ability Structure
First of all, we find it more appropriate to use the term Cognitive Traits instead of the general ability concept. The reason for this is that the general ability concept covers a field that is traditionally analyzed only with tests and provides limited information about the potential to process information in human behavior, whereas cognitive potentials are not limited to these and encompass a much broader capacity.
FlowQ's General Ability question pools are one of the most powerful question pools validated in Turkey and the world. A pool consisting of more than 1300 questions developed at 10 levels of difficulty according to Item Response Theory is used to conduct a classic test measuring Logical Reasoning, Problem Solving, and Critical Thinking, which becomes progressively more challenging for each individual.
FlowQ Cognitive Abilities
Cognitive Capacity is not something we measure or can measure only with traditional tests. In fact, many areas that we measure with neuropsychological tasks based on 100 years of brain research, shape cognitive abilities and enhance the flow state. As FlowQ, after years of research and development, we have integrated neuropsychological structures that are measured in a gamified manner into our system to provide a stronger prediction.
This way, brain modules that are not understood by general ability tests and trigger very critical competencies in the business world can be measured in a very short time with a high level of reliability.

Measurement of Non-Cognitive Traits
FlowQ's core personality predispositions encompass many dimensions filtered from measurement tools with established reliability and validity worldwide. FlowQ covers many personality traits, from ambiguity tolerance to derailers, with a strong theoretical model that fills the gaps in the five-factor model. Thus, it offers a strong theoretical model regarding non-cognitive traits, including dopamine, serotonin, testosterone, and estrogen.
Drive and Tactical Intelligence
FlowQ R&D studies reveal that dopamine-related brain areas, crucial for short-term thinking, discovery and adaptation, form a cluster that triggers psychological desires and activates
Stability, Consistency or Logistic Intelligence
In addition to the short-term adaptation and motivation provided by dopamine, as a result of FlowQ research, areas such as long-term thinking, stability, and consistency are grouped under the stability (serotonin) factor.
Resilience and Outcome or Strategic Intelligence
FlowQ scientific research has shown that certain new-generation concepts, especially ambiguity tolerance are closely related to emotional consistency. When these factors are evaluated together, it was observed that they are related to behaviors such as focusing on something in nature, such as hunting, developing strategies and decisively directing towards a result.
Relationship and Diplomacy or Diplomatic Intelligence
FlowQ analyses have revealed that a group of dimensions shape the individual's relationship and communication management process. This main area formed within the framework of the effects of the estrogen system on behavior is mainly shaped by dimensions in the field of emotional intelligence.
Inhibitory Fears and Image Destroyers
Our analyses showed that derailers reveal in areas where the testosterone system does not function well. This situation triggers internal fears that can lead to a loss of self-confidence. These 8 inhibitory fears include fears that can result from the way a person is predominantly raised and can lead to burnout syndrome in the long run. These fears also strongly trigger fear-based motivation by creating a strong negative inner voice.
They often motivate the individual based on fear but can be overly exhausting. Image destroyers, on the other hand, include characteristics that are particularly referred as attitude problems in the business world and undermine the individual's professional identity and image. Therefore, they lead to negative perceptions by people around the individual.
Values: Individual Value System
The Values field in FlowQ represents the shadow self-indicators that determine what an individual values in life and what they consider right or wrong. During FlowQ's R&D studies, we analyzed values with 176,000 people. According to research and analysis, what an individual values arises from the dichotomies (competitive opposites) in two main areas. When an individual prefers one thing, they have to give up the other.

FlowQ's R&D studies did not just focus on cognitive abilities and reanalysis of existing content. Psychological well-being, which is increasingly important in the field of clinical psychology, has also been added to our recent structure within flow theme. These features in FlowQ, screen the symptoms of the most commonly seen acute psychological problems in individuals, although they do not indicate a diagnosis. With FlowQ, you can easily analyze an individual's psychological state in a total of 10 areas.
Talent Acqusition, Retention and Development
Talent Acquisition Process with FlowQ
We have observed that organizations focus on the following questions in the talent acquisition process:
What steps will we follow in the recruitment process?
What should be the position closure time?
How many candidates have we reached?
Are psychometric tools reliable and valid?
While we address these questions with FlowQ ATS, we believe that these questions are not sufficient in the new world. With FlowQ, we focus on the following questions in the talent acquisition process:
FlowQ ile yetenek kazanım sürecinde ise şu sorulara odaklandık:
What is your talent ratio in all hirings?
To what extent have you achieved job, team, and organizational fit at the end of the recruitment process?
Did you meet candidate expectations?
What are the factors triggering employee performance?
What are the individual factors triggering employee işten ayrılma?
How much productivity have you created with your recruitment process?
What is the benefit ratio of psychometric tools?
FlowQ, with its customizable content for the organization and fully integrated data systems, allows you to hire the most suitable talent using deep learning and machine learning.

New Way of Talent
Retention: FlowQ Adapt
Another step in talent management is retention. We hear the following from our business partners we work with: We warned Manager as HR, but the manager preferred to proceed with this candidate!... You warned me, you told me the candidate's risks from the beginning, but we didn't listen, and we made a mistake... We hired this candidate, what should we be careful about? They had just started the job, if they leave now, the process will start over, and we will lose 4-6 months.

How can this problem in talent management be overcome? With FlowQ Adapt, we ensure that the manager fulfills their role, which is grouped under 7 headings that the talent needs to address during the adaptation process. With FlowQ Adapt, in addition to the specifically prepared content for the manager to read the results of the newly hired talent, we provide the manager with managerial tips customized according to the candidate's results, which we communicate to them every 2-3 weeks.
This enables new hires or employees whose manager is changed within the organization, adapt to this new process with their manager. We inform the manager regarding how to act and focus on increasing the commitment and dedication of the newly hired or talents who made moves in their careers.
Enhance Your Employer Branding with FlowQ App
Talents get bored quickly, they do not get to know and develop themselves. With the FlowQ App developed for professionals, you can sponsor either your internal employees or candidates.
The people you provide sponsorship will use the FlowQ App for free during the sponsorship period, participate in assessment processes, receive feedback and develop themselves by gaining awareness about their career.