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FlowQ App

Classical Recruitment Process

Problems of recruiters

Traditional hiring methods like resumes and interviews are often unreliable and time-consuming, resulting in suboptimal hires, high turnover, and prolonged recruitment times, making it challenging for recruiters to identify the best candidates.

Problems of talents

Talents often post CVs and repeat psychometric tests for multiple companies, which is frustrating and uninsightful, leading to disengagement.


This highlights the need for a more efficient, reliable recruitment process that gives deeper insights for recruiters and a more engaging experience for talents.


Going Beyond CV

FlowQ revolutionizes the talent acquisition process by offering neuropsychological data-driven insights that go beyond traditional resumes and interviews.


AI-powered talents receive personalized feedback while enjoying an engaging, gamified experience.

The future of talent acquisition experience

Benefit to Companies

Boost employer branding

FlowQ App is a paid product for talents career coaching. The companies sponsor for the candidates rather than sending assessments. Sponsorship to talents by companies for employer branding.

Deeper personagraphic insights

FlowQ assess over 90 brain modules, offering deeper insights into each talent’s capabilities and fit. I it based on neuropsychological task based assessment that ChatGPT can’t disrupt. 

The power of prediction

FlowQ’s AI-driven insights don’t just assess personality – they predict key factors like culture-fit, turnover intention, and high performance, tailored to your needs.


Benefits to Talents

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